Txais tos rau peb cov vev xaib!

Nplooj ntawv tej tshuab

  • HYL2-400 500NHIK 40T 50T Hydraulic Mus Taub Hau Taub Hau Ua Npuas Ncauj Npuas Npuas Ncauj Ntawv Tuag Txiav Xovxwm

    HYL2-400 500NHIK 40T 50T Hydraulic Mus Taub Hau Taub Hau Ua Npuas Ncauj Npuas Npuas Ncauj Ntawv Tuag Txiav Xovxwm

    Uses and features: The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm Gantry moj khaum, yog li lub tshuab muaj kev siv siab thiab ua kom nws zoo. 2. Lub taub hau punch tuaj yeem txav mus rau qhov hloov pauv, yog li kev pom cov teb yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev ua haujlwm muaj kev nyab xeeb. 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and improve e...
  • Hyp3 xcCcel 60t 8000Kn 8kn 8knon 100Kn 100Kn 1000Kn 100Kn 1000Kn 1000Kn 1000kn 1000kn 1000knum Kho Plaub-POLE TSWJ Tuag Tej Xovxwm
  • Hyp3 xcCreng 30T 40T 50T 50T 50T 50THNT 300KNOWN 500KNW 500KNW TSIM NYOG RAU HYDRAULIC Tuag Xovxwm Tshuab
  • Uses and features: The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys , ntawv sau, tsheb thiab lwm yam kev lag luam. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm plaub-kem thiab ob chav kheej kheej kom mus txog lub siab tonnage thaum txiav thiab txuag lub zog. 2. Txiav yuam kev yog kav ntev, uas yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev txiav roj hmab lag luam sp ...
  • 30T 40T 50T 50T 50KNOWN 500KNATION 300KNW 500NK 25KNYIG siab siab tuag Tej Xovxwm

    30T 40T 50T 50T 50KNOWN 500KNATION 300KNW 500NK 25KNYIG siab siab tuag Tej Xovxwm

    30T 40T 50T 50THNTXT 300KNOWN 500KNT MAYNIGHT MADE HLAU Tawv, Yas, Ntaub Pua Plag, Daim Ntaub, Daim Ntaub, Daim Ntaub, Khib Nyiab, PVC Board Thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv nrog cov txiv ntoo tuag ua cov tawv, pob khoom, pob, khoom ua si, tsheb thiab lwm yam kev lag luam thiab lwm yam kev lag luam. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic b...
  • Hydraulic Receding Head Die Cutting Press 1.It is for cutting the following material:Rubber,Foam,Textiles,Plastics,Cork,Laminates,Composites,Felt etc., 2.The material to be cut is mounted on a stationary table that securely holds the material in place, avoiding any shifting problems. 3.Qhov HYDRAULIC RECEDING HEM HEAD KHWV TEJ XOVXWM yog yooj yim siv nrog kev lim dej tsawg rau tus neeg teb xov tooj. Nrog tau yooj yim cov khoom thauj khoom, kev hloov ceev ceev thiab nrawm nrawm, siab tshaj plaws yog achi ...
  • Tsis siv neeg 360 degree tig mus ncig lub taub hau tej xovxwm tshuab

    Tsis siv neeg 360 degree tig mus ncig lub taub hau tej xovxwm tshuab

    Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC is equipped for conveyor system. Servo lub cev muaj zog drives cov ntaub ntawv los nyob hauv ib sab ntawm lub tshuab; Tom qab raug txiav cov ntaub ntawv raug xa los ntawm lwm sab rau ib qho tseeb cov khoom siv thiab kev ua haujlwm du. Conveyor ntev yuav tau yooj yim kho los ntawm kov s ...
  • Hydraulic mus ncig lub taub hau diver lub haum txiav xovxwm tshuab

    Hydraulic mus ncig lub taub hau diver lub haum txiav xovxwm tshuab

    Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm Gantry moj khaum, yog li lub tshuab muaj kev siv siab thiab ua kom nws zoo. 2. Lub taub hau punch tuaj yeem txav mus rau qhov hloov pauv, yog li kev pom cov teb yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev ua haujlwm muaj kev nyab xeeb. 3. Rov qab stroke ntawm platen tuaj yeem tsim kev txiav txim siab los txo stroke stroke thiab txhim kho Eff ...
  • Tsis Siv Neeg Conveyor Plaub Sab Tej Xovxwm Tshuab

    Tsis Siv Neeg Conveyor Plaub Sab Tej Xovxwm Tshuab

    Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC is equipped for conveyor system. Servo lub cev muaj zog drives cov ntaub ntawv los nyob hauv ib sab ntawm lub tshuab; Tom qab raug txiav cov ntaub ntawv raug xa los ntawm lwm sab rau ib qho tseeb cov khoom siv thiab kev ua haujlwm du. Conveyor ntev yuav tau yooj yim kho los ntawm kov s ...
  • HYDR HYDRAULIC PLAS Tuag Txiav Test Tshuab

    HYDR HYDRAULIC PLAS Tuag Txiav Test Tshuab

    Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various synthetic materials. 1. The principal axis is adopted automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Operate by both hands, which is safe and reliable. 3. Thaj chaw ntawm kev txiav cov kev txiav siab loj yog qhov loj rau txiav cov khoom loj-loj. 4. Qhov tob ntawm kev txiav lub zog yog teeb tsa kom yooj yim thiab raug. 5. Th ...
  • Hydraulic plaub kab xovxwm tshuab

    Hydraulic plaub kab xovxwm tshuab

    Qiangcheng full head beam die cutting presses use very large cutting dies, The maximum dies as big as the cutting surface. So Gerson full beam die cutting presses are widely used when high cutting power & when large or multiple shape dies are used. Cov khoom siv muag hauv qab no thiab cov khoom siv sib dhos ua ke, cov khau, cov hnab tawv, cov hlua, cov ntawv sau, cov ntxaij vab tshaus, cov ntawv ntim, rwb thaiv tsev ...
  • Uses And Features: The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. Tus hloov pauv yog operat ...