Siv thiab nta: lub tshuab tsim nyog rau kev txiav cov ntaub ntawv tsis xws li hnab nyiaj siv hnab nyiaj, cov khoom ua si me me, tawv hnab ntxiv thiab yog li nrog nrog me me tuag cutter. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is oper...
Siv thiab nta lub tshuab haum rau kev txiav cov ntaub ntawv tsis xws li hnab nyiaj siv hnab nyiaj, cov khoom ua si me me, tawv hnab khoom siv thiab yog li ntawm cov neeg tuag tuag me me. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is o...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut vamps, soles, leather, rubber, chemical fibre, hard paper and cotton fabrics. 1. Txais yuav lubricating system uas cov roj los txo kev puas tsuaj thiab ntev kev pabcuam lub neej ntawm lub tshuab. 2. Lub sijhawm-lapse hluav taws xob kev tswj hwm qhov chaw hauv qab ntawm stroke, uas ua rau precision siab thiab xaiv tau zoo ntawm nkawm khau. Kho qhov qhov siab ntawm viav vias sab caj npab sib cais los ntawm cov rooj ua haujlwm kom ua haujlwm yooj yim, txhim khu kev qha thiab yooj yim. Hydraulic...
16Thaum tuag nias cov xovxwm siv thiab nta: lub tshuab yog siv los txiav cov ulamps, tawv, tawv, tshuaj fiber ntau, cov ntaub qhwv tawv thiab cov ntaub qhwv. 1. Txais yuav lubricating system uas cov roj los txo kev puas tsuaj thiab ntev kev pabcuam lub neej ntawm lub tshuab. 2. Lub sijhawm-lapse hluav taws xob kev tswj hwm qhov chaw hauv qab ntawm stroke, uas ua rau precision siab thiab xaiv tau zoo ntawm nkawm khau. Adjust the height of swing arm apart from working table to make operation simply, reliable and conv...
Siv thiab nta: lub tshuab tsim nyog rau kev txiav cov ntaub ntawv tsis xws li hnab nyiaj siv hnab nyiaj, cov khoom ua si me me, tawv hnab ntxiv thiab yog li nrog nrog me me tuag cutter. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials selection is convenient. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. Tus hloov pauv yog operat ...
Uses And Features: The machine is used to cut vamps, soles, leather, rubber, chemical fibre, hard paper and cotton fabrics. 1. Txais yuav lubricating system uas cov roj los txo kev puas tsuaj thiab ntev kev pabcuam lub neej ntawm lub tshuab. 2. Lub sijhawm-lapse hluav taws xob kev tswj hwm qhov chaw hauv qab ntawm stroke, uas ua rau precision siab thiab xaiv tau zoo ntawm nkawm khau. Kho qhov qhov siab ntawm viav vias sab caj npab sib cais los ntawm cov rooj ua haujlwm kom ua haujlwm yooj yim, txhim khu kev qha thiab yooj yim. Technical...
Siv thiab nta: lub tshuab tsim nyog rau kev txiav cov ntaub ntawv tsis xws li hnab nyiaj siv hnab nyiaj, cov khoom ua si me me, tawv hnab ntxiv thiab yog li nrog nrog me me tuag cutter. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials selection is convenient. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. Tus hloov pauv yog operat ...