Txais tos rau peb cov vev xaib!

Kem txiav tshuab

  • Lub tshuab siv los txiav tawv, roj hmab, ntaub pua plag, ntaub pua rooj, txhuam hniav, pob, pob, sab hauv cov tsheb sib xyaw ntawm tsheb, ua rau khau, Roj hmab thiab lwm yam lag luam. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. The upper and lower plates can move parallel from back to forth so t...
  • Lub tshuab siv los txiav tawv, roj hmab, ntaub pua plag, ntaub pua rooj, txhuam hniav, pob, pob, sab hauv cov tsheb sib xyaw ntawm tsheb, ua rau khau, Roj hmab thiab lwm yam lag luam. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. The upper and lower plates can move parallel from back to forth so t...
  • Uses and features: The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile and other industries. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm plaub-kem thiab ob chav kheej kheej kom mus txog lub siab tonnage thaum txiav thiab txuag lub zog. 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade sp...
  • Uses and features: The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile and other industries. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm plaub-kem thiab ob chav kheej kheej kom mus txog lub siab tonnage thaum txiav thiab txuag lub zog. 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade sp...
  • Siv thiab nta: 1. Lub tshuab tsim nyog rau tag nrho-tawg lossis ib nrab kev ua haujlwm ntawm ntau cov khoom siv tsis tuag. Piv txwv li: Cov ntaub qhwv cov ntxaib, cov ntaub paj rwb ntim, roj hmab, luam ntawv thiab lwm yam lag luam. 2. Microcomputer controlled, with simple, prompt and accurate operation. 3. Lub tshuab tseem ceeb tau txais cov qauv ntawm ob chav roj roj kheej, ob npaug-crank qauv sib npaug, kom paub meej tib cheeb tsam txiav cheeb tsam. 4. When...
  • Siv thiab nta: 1. Lub tshuab tsim nyog rau tag nrho-tawg lossis ib nrab kev ua haujlwm ntawm ntau cov khoom siv tsis tuag. Piv txwv li: Cov ntaub qhwv cov ntxaib, cov ntaub paj rwb ntim, roj hmab, luam ntawv thiab lwm yam lag luam. 2. Microcomputer controlled, with simple, prompt and accurate operation. 3. Lub tshuab tseem ceeb tau txais cov qauv ntawm ob chav roj roj kheej, ob npaug-crank qauv sib npaug, kom paub meej tib cheeb tsam txiav cheeb tsam. 4. When...
  • Haum rau ib qho lossis ntau txheej ntawm tawv, roj hmab, yas, ntaub, txiav cov khoom siv tsis yog, tshwj xeeb yog haum rau cov khoom siv dav dav, cov ntaub ntawv yob; Tshwj xeeb cov kev cai ntawm kev txiav, me me tuag cutter, loj ntau ntawm cov khoom tshwj xeeb siv xws li football, ntaus pob, ntaus pob tesniv, kev txiav nyiaj. Machine Performance: 1. Two cylinder, precise four column automatic balance double linkage mechanism, guarantee each cutting position ...


    Haum rau ib qho lossis ntau txheej ntawm tawv, roj hmab, yas, ntaub, txiav cov khoom siv tsis yog, tshwj xeeb yog haum rau cov khoom siv dav dav, cov ntaub ntawv yob; Tshwj xeeb cov kev cai ntawm kev txiav, me me tuag cutter, loj ntau ntawm cov khoom tshwj xeeb siv xws li football, ntaus pob, ntaus pob tesniv, kev txiav nyiaj. Tshuab Performance: 1. Ob Lub Tog Raj Kheej, meej plaub sab tsis siv neeg sib txuas ob npaug kev sib txuas mechanism, lav txhua txhua txoj haujlwm txiav ...
  • Hydraulic Receding Head Die Cutting Press 1.It is for cutting the following material:Rubber,Foam,Textiles,Plastics,Cork,Laminates,Composites,Felt etc., 2.The material to be cut is mounted on a stationary table that securely holds the material in place, avoiding any shifting problems. 3.Qhov HYDRAULIC RECEDING HEM HEAD KHWV TEJ XOVXWM yog yooj yim siv nrog kev lim dej tsawg rau tus neeg teb xov tooj. Nrog tau yooj yim cov khoom thauj khoom, kev hloov ceev ceev thiab nrawm nrawm, siab tshaj plaws yog achi ...
  • Hydraulic Precise Plaub-Sab Jigsaw Liaj Li Tuag Txiav Xovxwm Tshuab
  • Hydraulic Plaub-Sab Tawv Tawv Tej Xovxwm Tshuab

    Hydraulic Plaub-Sab Tawv Tawv Tej Xovxwm Tshuab

    Siv thiab nta lub tshuab yog siv los txiav tawv, roj hmab, ntaub pua plag, ntaub pua tsev thiab lwm yam ntaub, cov ntaub, pob, pob, khoom ua si, khoom ua si, khoom ua si, ntawv sau, tsheb thiab lwm yam kev lag luam. 1. Txais cov qauv ntawm plaub-kem kev taw qhia txog plaub-ntu thiab sib npaug thiab synchronization ntawm crank kom ntseeg tau tib cheeb tsam txiav. 2. Use double-cylinder driven to achieve the cutting power of hig...