Tseem ceeb siv thiab nta: 1. Lub tshuab txiav no yog qhov tsim nyog rau ntau yam khoom uas tsis yog, thiab khoom siv kev kho mob, khoom siv kev ntaus pob thiab lwm yam khoom lag luam. 2. The machine is controlled by the upper machine, which has the functions of knife imitation shape, electronic graphics input, automatic typesetting, and display on the screen. Nws tuaj yeem tswj qhov txav ntawm x, y, z thiab β hauv plaub cov lus taw qhia ...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands to...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands to...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands to...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands to...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias sab caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov khoom siv xaiv yog yooj yim. 2. Zoo siab lub rooj zaum ua tau zoo yog swm nrog rau sab saum toj thiab hauv qab qhov sib hloov, kom muaj kev ntseeg tau zoo ntawm cov board board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands to...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov ntaub ntawv 'xaiv yooj yim. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands t...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov ntaub ntawv 'xaiv yooj yim. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands t...
The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Kev sib hloov ntawm viav vias caj npab yog hloov tau, thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab cov ntaub ntawv 'xaiv yooj yim. 2. High quality seamless steel tubes are adopted and processed into pillars, which are supported by top and bottom holes, to guarantee the flexible rotation and good reliability of upper beating board. 3. The switch is operated by both hands t...